Our Work Together
You have a story to share. Our work together will enable you to bring that story to life.
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We learn by experiencing.
As with any skill, we learn by experiencing. If you want to run a marathon, you can read all kinds of books or watch other runners to gain knowledge and tips and inspiration, but in the end, if you want to master the art of running, you need to run.
So, too, with speaking. My work with you consists of my teaching skills and then your practicing those skills. A little learning; a little experiencing. We practice together, we practice in front of one another. We simulate the same conditions under which we’ll actually be speaking in order to be comfortable and confident and focused on presentation day. When I teach, you’ll hear me call out “jump up, jump up” and that means “get up and try!” By the end of our first session together, you’ll already begin to feel more confident because you’ve learned and experienced what you can do to relax, focus, and engage. You’ve tried it. You’ve faced your fear. You didn’t die. You probably laughed a bit, too. I’ll give you assignments. You’ll practice some more. I’ll bet you even look forward to coming back next time.
I work with everybody.
I work with individuals one on one. I also work with groups, small and large. My clients include college presidents and Fortune 500 leaders, authors and animal communicators, data scientists, jail inmates, ministers and a mother of eight. I work with anyone who wants to get their voice out into the world. Some want to have their ideas appreciated in a meeting. Some want to stand up in public and advocate for a cause. Others want votes or research funding or standing ovations. All want to be seen and heard.
I specialize in…
Teaching presentation skills in a way that feels safe, fun, and practical. We don’t study theory in my workshops; we practice what we’ve just learned. My work is efficient and practical. I listen to you. I watch you like a hawk. I give direct, positive, useful feedback. My clients make big leaps forward in a couple of sessions. Many put me on speed dial for last minute coaching before a big presentation, and I welcome fine tuning your talks. Your success is my success, and I will be the first to give you a standing ovation.